Sunday, October 18, 2015

The best of all hoods *MOTHERHOOD*

Today was the perfect day to be out here in Northwest Arkansas. It is 70 degrees and sunny! So we decided to go to the pumpkin patch and enjoy some time outside. And by some time I mean like 2 hours max because there isn't a lot you can do outside with a 2 month old (excuse me...2 AND A HALF month old baby) TRUST ME! the half part counts when you are a new mom. You are most definitely counting!
I didn't grow up here in the states so when FALL comes around I am ALL ABOUT IT! Give me everything fall, leaves changing, temperatures dropping, sweaters and scarves, all types of food and beverages with pumpkin in them, and of course PUMPKIN CARVING! Yeah I know, I am 30 years old and I still want to carve pumpkins. I have to make up from all those years I was denied of such fun fall activities living in my beautiful El Salvador where is usually 90 degrees all the time. Plus this is Olivia's first pumpkin patch outing, and I know she won't remember, so this was more for me and dad.
2 and a half months already! Wow! I can hardly believe it. I have to say that again, or write it: Olivia has been with us for 10 weeks. Growing up I was never the type of girl that dreamt about being a housewife or being a mom. Now that I am both is like I am re-discovering the person that I am supposed to be, integrating my old self with my new one. And believe me it is hard work! My daughter is my biggest blessing because she is teaching me things about myself that I didn't know, and teaching that not everything goes the way you plan it. That is a hard one for me because I am a big planner.
I remember the first couple of weeks of us being home, I had the biggest meltdown. Why? because I had planned the day: First I will do laundry, then I will cook lunch, then we will take a nap. Sounds like a plan? Ok, great! Except that newborns and babies do whatever they want, whenever they want to. So Laundry time turned into a crying baby and soothing time, Lunch time turned into putting the baby to sleep time because she has been crying and now she is tired, nap time for me turned into deciding wether I should do laundry, eat or sleep and by the time my food was ready to eat, Olivia was up and crying because it was her time to eat. WOW I thought to myself: this is going to be wonderful (oh wait you can't hear my sarcasm thru writing). The truth is: It is incredibly wonderful! It is also the hardest thing I have ever experienced. My daughter is my biggest blessing because she is helping me become a better version of myself, a more patient and understanding, a more loving and compassionate, a stronger and more caring version of myself. Friends and Family have told me: Olivia is such a lucky girl to have you and Tim as parents, and I think I am the lucky one to have her and reshape my life into the person I was destined to be.

Thank you for reading, and please come back and check back with us. Any thoughts, suggestions or just plain ol' hi messages are welcomed from everyone!

1 comment:

  1. love the title, and yes it is exactly how you described it, children are mirrors what makes you uncomfortable about a kid´s behavior is exactly what you have to change. Being more patient, being kinder, not being a control- freak, you can see exactly what a person needs to work on the inside when you see what gets on his/her nerves with their kids. There isn´t such a thing about a difficult baby, there is just a child who needs more love and/or understanding and you, as the grown up, being able to change :). I am so happy to see you and know you also on this new hood.
