Monday, October 26, 2015

Different kind of celebration

 Life gets kind of crazy sometimes. Tim and I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary last Friday October 23rd. Usually I try to plan something fun for us to do, spend time picking out the perfect gift and writing the perfect card. Not this time, before I knew it it was Thursday 22nd and I had completely forgotten to do any of those things. (By the way I knew Tim had forgotten too, so I am not the bad guy here).

Well, this anniversary was definitely different than any others we've had. For once we have the most perfect gift we could have ever given each other and that is our daughter. With that being said, there are a lot of things that you can't do with a baby, especially at night. I have been working hard on getting Olivia on a schedule so I am not risking it. So far it has worked great for us because she has been sleeping 8-10 (sometimes 12) hours every night since she turned 2 months.
We love going to the movies, getting dressed up (I love this part more than he does), and going to a nice restaurant. Other anniversaries we've planned to go on a road trip and visit a city we've never been.
This time, it was a bit different. We went to a park that is close to home, and that we have been to many other times. No fancy restaurant, no dress and heels (weird), no movies; just the three of us going on a walk, like we have done hundreds of times. Olivia slept the whole time, and we spent our time remembering so many things that we have gone thru together. Good times and not so good times (hey everybody has those). We spent time talking about the future, planning and dreaming about all the things we want to do together as a family.

When we got home, I started thinking about how at first I was a little bummed that we weren't going to be able to go on a "special-date" for our anniversary. Then I realized that there will be many other opportunities to do those things later on. It doesn't really matter where we are, as along as we are spending time together as a family.

Relationships are hard, any type of relationship. Both people have to work very hard at creating them, they don't just happen.
Anniversaries are a reminder of a commitment to someone. I once read this somewhere and excuse me but I don't have the author's name. It said something like:
"In relationships the little things are the big things. It is speaking words of appreciation and demonstrating gratitude in thoughtful ways. It is having the capacity to forgive and forget. It is giving each other a safe place in which to grow. It is not only being with the right person, it is being the right partner".

Hope y'all had a great weekend! Thanks for stopping by.

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