Ok....picking up where we left of. Well maybe not exactly..Things have been a little crazy around here. It seems like I blinked and the holidays were over and now we are almost at the end of January. Time slow down please!!!!!
It is COLD here in Arkansas. I think I feel extra cold because we just got back from Florida. The weather in Florida was great.
What an amazing time that was. We were reunited with my family and some of them got to meet Olivia for the first time. Anytime I get to spend with my family is truly the best time for me. I miss them so much.
A few
A few weeks back, I had reached out to friends and family about advice for traveling with babies. Everyone gave me so much support, and talked about all the things that had worked for them. I am so grateful for the community of parents out there that help each other out.
We were taking two flights to Florida. When we were boarding, I did get some looks, and overheard someone saying: oh there is a baby on the plane. I took a deep breath, and said here we go. Olivia did great, I followed the main advice of making sure baby is either nursing, taking a bottle, or sucking on a paci for take-off and landing. That worked perfectly. Olivia ate and then feel asleep for the majority of the flight, she woke up and we had a few little toys ready for her (one a time of course) to entertain her and then went back to sleep.
All that stress for nothing. In reality, I think she is still young enough that she doesn't know what the heck is going on. As long as she is being held, which she was the whole time (I paid for that later when we got back home) she is fine with it.
Traveling with a baby is definitely a little stressful, you want to make sure you have everything you need. Anything that baby will need, travels for free. We took stroller with car seat, her portable bassinet for her to sleep in, and didn't have to pay the luggage fee. Try to stick somewhat to the schedule that baby has at home.
We had an amazing time and cannot wait until the next time we are all together. Being around my family makes me the happiest, and I am truly blessed to have all of them in my life and to be able to share so many things with them.
Thanks for stoping by, and I promise I will be more consistent with updates!
Me encanta el blog!! Me paso lo mismo q a ti, solo q yo viaje con Baby Victor Andre de menos de 1 mes imagínate! Estaba full estresada y el durmió casi todo el vuelo, y cabal lo mas importante en mi caso fue darle pecho en el despegue y aterrizaje, pero venía con mil pensamientos q todo saliera bien, y la gente en el aeropuerto fue bien linda conmigo en no hacer colas xq yo solo lo traía en su Car seat, saludos y abrazos ��❤️ Caro
ReplyDeleteGracias Carito! Si es verdad, mas uno es el que se estrena y ellos ni cuenta se dan!!! Y también para mi la gente en el aeropuerto se porto muy bien! gracias por leer y compartir! Saludos también para Victor Andre que esta precioso y tu también como que si no has tenido bebe..te ves super bien!