Monday, May 30, 2016

10 months update

We are out of the single digit months. Olivia Marie is 10 months old today. It seems like yesterday I was holding a tiny little 6 pound baby. Now, I have definitely improved my arm and back strength; trying to hold a 24 pound baby all day. There is so much that has changed from a month ago. Well to me everyday I discover something new with her; I'm sure you guys would be bored if I went back to every single day.

Here are some of the most important things that happened this month:
Olivia got her ears pierced. Back home in El Salvador, all baby girls get their ears pierced the same day or maybe a few days after they are born. It is a normal, everyday thing at the hospitals. I remember when I asked about it at the hospital in Arkansas. First it was silence as if they couldn't understand what I had just said. Second, I got the meanest stare as if I had asked that they would chop one of my daughter's limbs off. Lastly one of the nurses said: we don't do that, you will have plenty of other things to worry about. Well duh..I knew that, I was just asking. They do say if you have any questions you should ask. I was going to get them done sooner or later so might as well get them done while she was getting the hundred thousand pokes that she got those first days.

Anyhow she got them done after months days of convincing dad. He said he wanted to be there but every time we were close to getting them done something always came up: oh today is not a good day, it's raining; my head hurts, the dogs need a bath, the weather is nice so we should be at the beach, blah blah blah. So of course I tricked him into going and surprised him when we got there! Yay!! Tim held Olivia and it was done in literally 10 seconds. She cried for like 2 minutes max and then she forgot all about it. Immediately after she got them done, every time I looked at her it was like she was 5 years old. She looked so much older with earrings.

Olivia is not walking yet, she has mastered backwards crawling, and loves to be standing up with our help or the help of furniture. But for the most part she is pretty content where she is at. People that know her, joke around saying she just likes to sit and look pretty. She loves loves loves her furry brother and sister. They are actually doing very well with her, and of course dinner time is their favorite time to be near her. Olivia still sleeps 12 hours a night, and takes two naps during the day. She now has 4 top teeth and two bottom. She is such a happy baby, she loves to smile and give mama kisses. She also has started to extend her arms for us to carry her, and it is so cute to see her little arms trying to reach for us.
This week has been so special for us, since my parents are here for 3 weeks. More on that later.

Thanks for reading friends,