The most important one is that we moved from Northwest Arkansas to Orlando Florida.
Okay preparing for this move was a little bit crazy. Tim and I have moved plenty of times. Six times to be exact. I am not a fan of the whole process.
This time we decided to hire a moving company to come and load all of our stuff, drive it to our location and unload it. I really didn't want to be driving 18 hours in different cars with a baby and two dogs.
I was
We left NWA at noon and drove for about 10 hours. Olivia did great; we stopped twice for feeding and bathroom breaks. In the in-between time she napped. We stopped to sleep and that night she slept until about 10am the next morning. We drove the rest of the way the next day; and we were excited when we cross the Florida state line and it was 75 degrees and sunny.
We are getting used to our new home and loving it. There are endless things to do in Florida. One of the things that I am most excited about is the beach. I grew up going to the beach almost every single weekend. Some of my best memories are at the beach with my family and friends. I am happy that Olivia will be able to experience something similar.
Olivia is growing and working on developing her personality. She is a very happy baby. She loves to smile, and eat. She started eating solids and she loves it. Her favorite food is sweet potatoes so far. She works hard on her tummy time and started to do some crawling movements. She is strong with her legs and can stand up with the assistance of mom and dad. She loves loves loves her furry brother and sister and they always want to be around her. At her last doctor's appointment she was a healthy 18 pounds. Shots always hurt for a minute but after she is a happy girl and doesn't seem to bother her at all. She officially has 2 bottom teeth out and she makes good use of them. She still sleeps thru the night for about 12 hours. She takes 2 naps a day sometimes 3.
I am extremely thankful for Tim's hard work that allows me to stay at home with Olivia and I don't miss a thing. Besides all the awesome things to do here in Florida what I am most grateful for is to be close to my sister and my brother in law. I am excited to be able to share a lot with her, and that Olivia will be super close to her aunt. They will be Olivia's godparents for her baptism coming soon!
Thanks for reading, hope all is well friends!